There are two type of stress which are physical and emotional stress. Physical stress can be caused by traumasurgery, a car accident, or a severe illness. Emotional stress can be caused by a divorce, death of a love ones, loss of a job, getting married, depression, increase in financial obligations, or caring for an aging parent just to name a few. Stress can take a toll on a person and can cause hair loss. When you have a stressful event, it shocks the hair cycle causing the hair to go into telogen phase (fall out stage). The hair loss then becomes noticeable and can occur up to 3-6 months.
I know your question is what can I do. Well I have a few tips to help you prevent hair loss from stress.
-Your hair will grow back as your body recovers
-Talk with a therapy or dermatologist
-Find ways to relieve stress such as read a book, do breathing technique, take a walk in the park, listen to soothing music, or spend time with family
-Do weekly shampoo and conditioning treatment
-Eat a well balance diet
-Massage Scalp
-Take daily supplement
Hope this information helps and please feel free to comment below if you have experience hair loss due to stress or share ways you relieve stress.