How do I know if treatment is right for me?
Scientist and doctors are continuously doing research and finding more treatments for hairloss. New pharmaceutical products, low level laser light therapy, better transplant techniques, and altering a person's genetic code are currently being investigated. With the various treatment that's currently offered, each individual must find out if they qualified for treatment by either filling out a medical questionnaire via online or in clinic(consultation). We will educate you on the basis of hairloss and create an individualized treatment plan taking into account the answers from the medical questionnaire.
What is involved in a usual treatment program?
*Utilize Low Level Light Therapy to promote hair growth.
*Lifestyle and nutritional suggestions that will help to maximize your individual treatment plan*Improve the overall health of the hair and scalp by eliminating sebum and dandruff while increasing blood flow to the follicles and infusing the follicles with nutrients.
*Recommending topicals to slow or stop hair loss and regain some growth.
*Monitoring your progress with both a digital camera and a magnified capilloscope to show your improvement
What if I do nothing?
*Not treating hairloss may lead to permanent hair loss. Early detection is the key. Seeking help in the beginning stages will allow you to get the truth about hair loss as well as all the treatment options that are available to help you start your hair recovery journey.
Why chose Konfident Hair Clinic and its treatment program?
*Personal or phone consultation with a Certified Associate Trichologist/Hairloss Practitioner
*We create individualize treatment plans for your unique hair loss and offer a wide variety of products and services to help slow down or stop hair loss and regrow hair.
*We work with your goals and concerns to make recommendations to you regarding your hair los
*We work with you every step of the way to make sure your consistent with treatment plan to achieve the best results.
*Monthly in clinic check-up
*Safe and effective for both men and women